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A graphic showing why media outlets need advertising workflows.

Why Media Outlets Need Advertising Workflows

February 2024

Streamlining the advertising process is a strategic necessity for digital media publishers juggling countless interdependent workflows.

Office workers in a busy publishing company finding the advantage of using a self-serve advertising platform.

The Advantages Of Using A Self-Service Advertising Platform For Your Publication

January 2024

Implementing a self-service advertising platform can transform submission management for your publication, enabling advertisers to submit and manage their ads through an online portal directly. Read on to learn how this will benefit your publication business.

A graphic showing a cloud-based digital asset management solution

Why Digital Asset Management Should Be Cloud-Based

December 2023

Digital assets refer to any item of content created and stored electronically and owned by a company or its customers, so for modern newspapers, this can include written articles, images, videos, audio files, webpages, documents, and adverts, often extending to a huge and varied asset base.